XLIX. Painting front and rear chassis

It is a followup of XLVI. Painting rear chassis and mounting back the rear. Fr the record: I decided to apply first a layer of Rustol CIP, then further layers of what remained of Restom Monocomposant RAL 9010 Blanc pur/Biały alpejski.

It was cold and the timing was a problem. So it resulted in an okay coating rust-protection wise, but quite ugly otherwise, with a few orange stains caused by Rustol CIP not dry enough.

So further layers were in order for the rear part of the chassis, not requiring much  actually to produce a satisfying finish.

Then I went on with the front of the chassis. I hoped there would be no issue this time, since the weather was perfect (no humidity, around 23/25°C average). So here goes the Rustol CIP layer (remember, never more than one, read the previous article in you are unsure):

Obviously, for best results, you’d want to drop everypart of the front chassis, the engine, etc. This is not my plan, I’ll drop only parts that actually require immediate attention, and paint them at this occasion.

Then, after proper waiting time, first layers of Restom Monocomposant… and no. Still the same:

I can tell that covering Rustol CIP with light color really requires a few layers. And you’ll never be good timing wise (except probably if your are painting sheets of metal with no angles, etc). Basically, you have to wait 3 days at least but not more than 7 days before covering Rustol CIP.  I hope it’ll give good results in the long run, because applying it is really not easy-going.

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